Audiobook News!

I have been remiss in updating the blog. The Audiobook is finally out and available on over 50 different platforms, including Audible, Barnes and Noble and more. I am thrilled to announce that my co-narrator is the amazingly talented and multi-award winning narrator, Elizabeth Wiley. I've known and worked with Liz for over 30 years on a variety of projects. You can't imagine a more talented actress and clear, powerful audiobook narrator. However, we were hit by a variety of delays, otherwise we would have had it out in May, as originally intended. Liz contracted COVID mid-recording, and it affected her voice and her staying power in the booth. This pushed the project back several weeks, which meant I was obligated to be in Florida for 2 months - away from my recording booth. By the time I was back home and able to take care of my pickups, we were well into July. Anyway, all good things come to those who wait, and the final product is pretty amazing. I hope you enjoy hearing Corvus, Mama and Darienne and everyone else come to life.


Happy Equinox


Book II - The Fury