The Fury
Only eight days until the release of The Fury, Chronicles of the Raven, Book II. Still a lot to do. I'm going to be offering a Book Launch Sale through Amazon. Electronic versions of the book will be available for one week only for $.99, then the price will go up to 50% off for the holiday season. On January first, everything goes back to normal pricing.

Launch of The Fury
I am now 30 days out from the launch of The Fury, Chronicles of the Raven, Book II, and I am so excited. The beta readers were very positive and jazzed about this book, as was the editor - and she rarely gets excited about anything. Now the book is in formatting, the new maps are drawn, the chapter head illustrations are rolling in. I think the best way to describe.

Happy Equinox
Big things happening with Corvus and the Tor. As you already know, the adventure hinges around this day. The Autumn Equinox. Given that, I thought it was a good day to write a brief update on the publication of Book II. Book II is entitled "The Fury" and is currently with the editor and should be moving to formatting by the latter part of October.

Audiobook News!
I have been remiss in updating the blog. The Audiobook is finally out and available on over 50 different platforms, including Audible, Barnes and Noble and more. I am thrilled to announce that my co-narrator is the amazingly talented and multi-award winning narrator, Elizabeth Wiley. I've known and worked with Liz for over 30 years on a variety of projects.

Book II - The Fury
Book II is rolling. I have sent it to my beta readers, and early in September it will go to the Editor. The goal is to have it ready for purchase by the Christmas shopping season. New characters and storylines are introduced in Book II as the story broadens to encompass more of the world.

Chronicles of the Raven
It’s April 10, and I’m painfully near the point of hitting “go” to publish the e-book. Once that’s available, I’ll hit “go” to publish the physical book through Amazon followed by the “go” to publish the physical book through Ingram Spark, which will allow world-wide purchases of the book.