It’s out!

Today, April 14, 2023, The Gathering Storm is officially available on Kindle. When I was a young man just beginning my studies of martial arts, I overheard a Grand Master say to a newly minted black belt, “now, your journey begins.” It took me a while to truly grasp his meaning. As I was sweating my way up through the ranks trying to attain the goal of black belt, it sure seemed like that was a worthy destination. But the closer I got, the more I realized that all the training and testing and all the injuries and soreness endured on the way to black belt were merely to lay the groundwork so real learning and training could begin. When I eventually earned my first black belt, it did not feel like a destination at all - but like a significant mile marker on what would become a lifetime journey.

As the past three years of writing, rewriting, editing, shaping, etc. culminates in my first book being published, I look at this moment, not as a destination, but as a significant mile marker on what will no doubt occupy me for the remainder of my years.


Book II - The Fury


Chronicles of the Raven